
Why CRM for dynaMACS Customers?

Manufacturers’ representatives use CRM to stay competitive and to have one central place for everyone to stay on the same page. They use CRM to keep manufacturers informed about what they are working on and the value that they provide as a partner. Manufacturers hire the best rep first and the best reps firms use CRM to manage their customer information.

You can:

  • Create or update sales call notes
  • Opportunities
  • Review Sales numbers
  • Look up Quotes
  • Keep your customer contact information up to date

If you’re going to have a CRM, have one that’s designed for a rep firm. Empowering Systems AccountManager is just that, a sales solution designed for you and how you work, from your phone, from your inbox, offline or online.

Email April to learn more

or get a link to a demo.

Tip #1607 – Transferring Sales and Commissions History for a Specific Manufacturer and Customer to a Different Sales Rep

In our previous Tip #1606 we discussed how to automatically give a sales rep that is not currently assigned to a particular customer, credit for sales based upon the manufacturer. This tip is a follow up which discusses how to transfer the sales and commission history for the manufacturer/customer after making that override.

  1.  From the main dynaMACS screen select Edit>File Transfer/Combine>Mfg/Cst/Rep Transfer (1).dynaMACS Main Screen
  2. If you are prompted to Create Restore Point always answer “Yes” and enter a good Description for your restore point.  In this case we will enter “Moving History from JB to RW”.
  3. Select the Proceed button.Create Restore Point Screen
  4. When the Create Restore Point is complete the Manufacturer/Customer/Sales Rep Transfer/Combine (1) screen is displayed.
  5. On the left side (under Select Records With) enter the Manufacturer code and then the Customer code.
  6. On the right side (under Transfer To) enter the new Sales Rep code and check the Transfer Commission Splits to this Sales Rep box if you want to transfer the splits to the new rep. (See Note below)
  7. Select the Proceed button and then select Yes at confirmation to print your Audit       Report.  Be sure to choose print to PDF as the file may be quite large.Transfer Combine Screen
  8. At the Please Confirm dialog box select the Yes button if everything is correct on the Audit Report to continue with the transfer.Please Confirm Screen
  9. Select the OK button from the F.Y.I. dialog box.Ok_FYIConfirmationRepeat steps 4 through 9 for as many transfers as needed.