
Empowering Systems Account Reporter Analytics – POS Reports

Our advanced sales and commission tracking software enable you to see all the dashboards in AccountReporter Analytics. This analytics is like dynaMACS SalesIQ on steroids. You will be able to see end customer data and part number information if you need that.

With business needs changing all the time. You need to quickly analyze your business and get back to selling. Check out the video below that shows you quickly and easily Point-of-Sale information.

POS Video

Offering solutions that you requested


AccountManager 365 Add-In(CRM from your inbox):

  1. Sell from Microsoft Outlook. Update your opportunities, contacts, accounts and more right in your Outlook in-box on your PC, Mac or phone.
  2. Contacts in one place. Update your contacts in Outlook from the AccountManager Add-in and the other applications will update.
  3. Unclutter your Outlook folders. Email Attachments sync over to AccountManager. One place to find the information you are looking for.
  4. Use the Planner to help organize your team’s workflow. Use the planner to help your team work smarter not harder.


Missed the other blogs regarding our extended capabilities:

AccountManager (CRM)

SalesAnalysis (Sales, Commission and Order Management)

Contact us today to learn more!


Offering more options for your business


SalesAnalysis (Sales, Commission and Order Management):

  1. Line Item Details. Import a part number spreadsheet from your principal so it’s easy to add line item details.
  2. Order Tracking. Keep track of what items your customers buy and the quantities.
  3. Electronic Data Imports. Imports saves time and money.

Keep an eye out for more in our upcoming blog:

AccountManager Office 365 (CRM from your In-box)

If you can’t wait contact us today!

             Now offering even more capabilities


AccountManager (CRM):

  1. Sell from Microsoft Outlook. Update your opportunities, contacts, accounts and more right in your Outlook in-box on your PC, Mac or phone.
  2. Sell from your phone. Update your opportunities, contacts and more with voice to text as you walk out of meetings with our new AccountManager App. Then sync your opportunity with your principal’s Salesforce CRM in one click.
  3. Create a custom layout for each Principal. Create custom opportunity layouts so that you hit the target and maximize user productivity with just the fields that are required.
  4. Manage Quotations. No more hunting for quotations, simply link them to your opportunity, so they’re where they need to be. You won the business, turn the quote directly into an order.

Keep an eye out for more in our upcoming blog:

AccountManager Office 365 (CRM from your In-box)

SalesAnalysis (Sales, Commission and Order Management)

If you can’t wait contact us today!

Tip #1712 – How to Delete a Customer from the dynaMACS Database

Follow the steps below to delete a customer that has merged with another customer or is no longer in business.

Move the history to another customer

  1. Go to Edit drop-down menu.
  2. Select File Transfer/Combine.
  3. Choose Mfr/Cst/Rep Transfer (1).
  4. The Manufacturer/Customer/Sales Rep Transfer/Combine window will appear.
  5. Type in the customer that you want to delete on the left side (Example:  Abbott Health Products) and the customer that you want the history to go to on the right side (American Instruments).
  6. Select the Proceed.
  7. Choose Yes at the prompt for Are these correct?
  8. Select the printer and print out the audit trail.
  9. Please confirm … choose Yes.
  10. The FYI window will appear, select OK.
  11. At the 2nd FYI, choose OK.
  12. Follow steps 1-11 until you are done will moving the customers.
  13. Then select Cancel to exit this screen.
  14. Go to Edit drop-down menu.
  15. Select File Transfer/Combine.
  16. Choose Mfr/Cst/Rep Transfer (2).
  17. The Manufacturer/Customer/Sales Rep Transfer/Combine (2) screen will appear.
  18. Select your printer and print the audit trail.
  19. Choose OK at the Please confirm window.
  20. Go to Edit drop-down menu.
  21. Select File Transfer/Combine.
  22. Make Customer Deletable
  23. Select Range of Records.  Leave the from field blank and type in zzzz in the To field. Then choose OK.
  24. Select Yes at the next window.
  25. At the end you will get a message that tells you how many customers were deletable. Choose OK.
  26. Select Exit when done.
  27. Go into the Customer Maintenance screen and select one of the customers that you transferred the history for and select the Delete button.

Tip #1709 – Using dynaMACS’ Sales IQ Graph to Show the difference in “House” Commission percentages for this year versus last year

In our previous tip #1708 we talked about using dynaMACS’ Sales IQ to analyze “House” commission. The following will show you how to create a graph from that information.

Using the Graphing Feature in dynaMACS

  1.  From the Sales IQ screen select the Filter button.
  2.  Select Active from the Manufacturer Status drop down list.
  3.  Select the Apply button.
  4. From the Sales IQ screen with your selections displayed, click on the down arrow to the right of the Graph button and select Graph.
  5. Check the boxes for Jan-Aug 19 and Jan-Aug 18 in the Select Columns to Graph screen.
  6. Once you have made your selections click on the Graph button in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
  7. The graph will default to a bar chart.  Select the Customize button to change the type of graph that will appear.
  8. Select the Line chart (or Pie etc.) to customize the look of your graph.
  9. When you have completed your selections select the OK button.

From the Sales IQ Graph screen you can:

  1.  Print the graph.
  2. Customize the look of the graph.
  3. Copy to Clipboard.