Entries by dynaMACS Software

Tip #1708 – Using dynaMACS’ SalesIQ to Analyze “House” Commissions

dynaMACS’ Sales IQ provides a unique method for analyzing your agency sales and commission numbers.  House commissions are the agency commissions remaining after paying all the sales reps their split of the commissions. Use the “Data” Control to Display Your “House” Commissions. In the following example we show data for Agency Commission + Agency Splits […]

Case Study: State Side Sales

 “dynaMACS uses GoogleMaps to plan efficient routes when we visit multiple customers. We spend less time in the car and more time selling.” Joe Durbin, President State Side Sales, Inc. Client Challenge State Side Sales Agency was using rudimentary sales and commission software that didn’t provide enough useful information to meet their needs. The agency […]

Tip #1705 – dynaMACS Helps Agencies get Sales & Commission Information Electronically with this Manufacturer Benefits White Paper

Electronic Sales Information (eSi) is the electronic distribution of sales information from manufacturer to sales agencies. The dynaMACS eSi module can replace hours of data entry with a quick and easy process of automatically importing sales information from manufacturers that email their sales information in a spreadsheet format. The move to dynaMACS eSi requires a […]

Tip #1704 – Quickly Identify New and Inactive Manufacturers in dynaMACS Sales IQ

The Sales IQ screen has been enhanced in dynaMACS Version 2016 to quickly identify new manufacturers and inactive manufacturers with a color scheme.  This is based on the Manufacturer Status in the manufacturer record.  A NEW manufacturer name will now be displayed in the color GREEN.  An INACTIVE manufacturer name will now be displayed in […]