Entries by dynaMACS Software

Tip #1403 – Using Sales Entry Options to Customize Your Sales Entry Screen

To increase efficiency during sales entry, you can customize some settings temporarily for the current session or permanently for all sessions. You can even have different customized settings for each manufacturer. Changing “Sales Entry Options” Default Settings From the dynaMACS main screen menu options select Process Sales Entry Options. The Sales Entry Options window will […]

Case Study: J & K Sales Associates

“The software is so flexible. We can see data in so many different ways and drill down for more details. It gives us a deeper understanding of the agency’s performance.” Helen Degli-Angeli, Operations Manager J & K Sales Associates Client Challenge dynaMACS takes reporting capabilities to new levels. J & K Sales Associates was using […]

Tip #1312 – Using dynaMACS to analyze both your rep numbers and buy/resell numbers in one place

Many agencies operate as distributors for some of their lines. Using eSi you can import the distributor sales numbers into dynaMACS which will allow you to analyze your entire business in one place. To achieve this you would first set up Manufacturer Type codes of BS (Buy/Resell) and CM (Commissions) and then relate each manufacturer record […]

Case Study: Pacific Warehouse Sales

It’s crucial that our salespeople are connected to information at all times, no matter where they are. dynaMACS gives us that ability and much more.” Deb Kanne, President Pacific Warehouse Sales Client Challenge Pacific Warehouse Sales knows the power of technology and its ability to fuel efficiency and operations. However, the software they were using […]