Entries by dynaMACS Software

Tip #1603 – How to Delete a dynaMACS Mobile User

You must first delete the mobile user from the dynaMACS Mobile Configuration screen and then delete it from the User Class Maintenance screen.  Below are the steps required to delete a dynaMACS Mobile user. Delete a Mobile User from dynaMACS Mobile Configuration The first step is to delete the mobile user from the dynaMACS Mobile […]

Tip #1602 – Did You Know That You Can “Catalog” (Save) Your Commonly Used Reports

The Sales Analysis report feature in dynaMACS provides the ability to save a sales analysis report by “cataloging” it.  This eliminates the need to re-enter the report criteria each time you need to run the report by selecting it from the Catalog drop down menu in the Sales Analysis Reports screen.  The following are examples […]

Tip #1601 – Looking up and Changing Information “on-the-fly” in Sales Entry

dynaMACS provides the ability to look up detailed information, make changes or add a location  “on-the-fly” during sales entry. Example: In the following example we will look up the details of the Customer Adel’s Dist/Cinci while in the Sales Entry screen.  From the Sales Entry screen enter the Manufacturer code.  For this example we will […]

Case Study: R C Bremer Marketing Associates, Inc.

 “Before implementing dynaMACS eSi, four people manually entered thousands of invoices. With eSi, one person enters all data. It saves us huge amounts of time and money. ” Joe Falk, President R.C. Bremer Marketing Associates, Inc. Client  Challenge  Since beginning his career with R.C. Bremer 18 years ago, Joe Falk was a sales rep, obtained […]

Tip #1511 – Transferring History to Current Sales Rep

Enhanced Sales Rep Transfer The Transfer Sales Rep History has been enhanced and moved to the Manufacturer/Customer/Sales Rep Transfer/Combine 1 screen.  In previous versions of dynaMACS selecting the Update History to Current Sales Rep from the Edit>File Transfer/Combine menu would launch the following screen: In dynaMACS 2015 In dynaMACS 2015 when selecting the Update History […]