
Tip #1709 – Using dynaMACS’ Sales IQ Graph to Show the difference in “House” Commission percentages for this year versus last year

In our previous tip #1708 we talked about using dynaMACS’ Sales IQ to analyze “House” commission. The following will show you how to create a graph from that information.

Using the Graphing Feature in dynaMACS

  1.  From the Sales IQ screen select the Filter button.
  2.  Select Active from the Manufacturer Status drop down list.
  3.  Select the Apply button.
  4. From the Sales IQ screen with your selections displayed, click on the down arrow to the right of the Graph button and select Graph.
  5. Check the boxes for Jan-Aug 19 and Jan-Aug 18 in the Select Columns to Graph screen.
  6. Once you have made your selections click on the Graph button in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
  7. The graph will default to a bar chart.  Select the Customize button to change the type of graph that will appear.
  8. Select the Line chart (or Pie etc.) to customize the look of your graph.
  9. When you have completed your selections select the OK button.

From the Sales IQ Graph screen you can:

  1.  Print the graph.
  2. Customize the look of the graph.
  3. Copy to Clipboard.

dynaMACS Software Overview Demo

Tip #1609 – A customer may be known by different names by different manufacturers. This can create unwanted customer duplication during the sales entry process.

In business it is common that companies merge, create DBA’s or an alias.  dynaMACS has a unique feature that allows you to refer to the correct customer.  The instructions below will walk you through how to accomplish this.

Add the New Customer

Add the new customer (DBA or Alias) which will be related in dynaMACS. In this example we added customer Babson Tooling (customer code BABT00).note

  1.  Edit the original customer in dynaMACS to reflect the new customer as a reference   customer in the Related To field.  In this example the customer B & B Tooling (BBTO00) is the original customer. Babson Tooling (customer code BABT00) is the Related To customer.
  2. Change the Status for B & B Tooling to Reference Only.
  3. Select the Save/Exit button.sales-entry-screen-1

Making Sales Entries Using Related to Customers

  1. In Sales Entry, enter the old customer code for B & B Tooling (BBTO00).
  2. You will get a message as seen below displaying the Reference Customer code.  Select the OK button.sales-entry-screen-2
  3. After selecting the OK button you will see that the Customer Code changes to the newly created Reference Customer code for Babson Tooling (BABT00).
